Create dishes elaborately with the materials that our nature has to offer. Cuisine of Yufu gratify your senses.

Wild vegetable, mushrooms and other materials full of seasonal sense are carefully screened. Enjoy all the colorful and tasty creative and original dishes based on Japanese food.
Bungo beef, which Oita pref.’s pride is to be served with available materials of the day. Feel the benefit of materials right in the season may be effective to your body, which is relaxed by the hot spring.


Special photo

Creative Japanese Dinner (Sample of monthly fix menu)

一、食前酒香母酢酒 一献
一、先 付三色素麺寄せ 針生姜 洗葱 振り柚子 美味汁
一、膳 菜香母酢西瓜ゼリー 鬼灯花卵 椎茸最中 柴海老唐揚げ 冬瓜饅頭 サーモンチーズ巻 赤海月胡麻酢掛け
一、御 椀焼霜鱧と早松茸の清汁 蓴菜 酢橘
一、造 里勘八 車海老 水烏賊 雲丹 芽物あしらい一式
一、焼 物豊後牛陶板焼 野菜色々 自家製葱味噌たれ
一、蓋 物九重豚角煮と夏大根の柔煮 陸蓮根 和辛子 鼈甲餡
一、冷 物紅茶鴨のロースト 彩野菜の和風ジュレ
一、替 鉢鰻巻 花丸胡瓜 縒りラディッシュ 花茗荷 霙酢
一、水 物季節のフルーツ 小倉抹茶ケーキ
一、御 飯蜆と牛蒡の炊き込み御飯 香物 三種
一、止 椀蓮芋の味噌汁

Restaurant "Asagir"

At the restaurant "Asagiri" we serve freshly made dishes in a tranquil space apart from other guests. Please degust cuisine which our Chef cooked lovingly.

Restaurant hours [Dinner] 18:00-
[Breakfast] 7:30-
For reservations and questions, please contact with travel agencies.


For reservations and questions, please contact with travel agencies.



Free Wi-Fi in all rooms

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